A thought-provoking WIRhE symposium on the burden of Rh disease in the world today chaired by: Steven Spitalnik, USA Gian Carlo Di Renzo, Italy The program: Rh hemolytic disease is still a global burden Rubina Sohail, Pakistan The action and guidelines to implement eradication Gerry H. Visser, NL The WIRhE concept and activities Steven Spitalnik, […]
Category: Events
1st Kick-off Meeting of the WIRhE CONSORTIUM
50 years after the discovery of RhoGam, the toll of Rh Disease in the world is still too high. 50 % of the world’s women don’t get access to this life-saving drug. After the foundation of WIRhE in March 2019, the organization held its 2nd Annual International Meeting for the GLOBAL ERADICATION OF Rh DISEASE […]